Our Goals
The primary goal of Northern Virginia Chapter 200 is to provide encouragement to heart patients and their families through our:
- Hospital visiting programs
- Monthly education and support group meetings
- Special events such as the annual December Holiday luncheon
- Quarterly newsletter, a publication providing information on Chapter events, articles on health and foods, visiting and training news, and much more.
The Chapter’s chief objectives are derived from those promulgated by the National Office and are as follows:
- Visiting, with physician approval, and offering encouragement and support to heart disease patients and their families through the Chapter’s accredited hospital visiting program, by telephone, and through the Internet visiting program.
- Distributing information of specific educational value to organization members and to heart disease patients and their families.
- Establishing and maintaining a program of assistance to physicians, nurses, medical professionals and healthcare organizations in their work with heart disease patients and families.
- Cooperating with other organizations in education and research activities pertaining to heart disease.
- Planning and conducting suitable programs of social and educational interest for members, and for heart disease patients and their families.